The End of Belonging: Untold Stories of Leaving Home and the Psychology of Global Relocation

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Why do some people choose to leave home to live as foreigners in an unfamiliar land?

What does it mean to feel at-home or homeless?

This book tells the tales of existential migrants, those of us whose motivation to leave home is to find out who we really are. It is the first time these experiences have been identified and described using evocative themes from peoples' lives. The book ends by warning that in this age of increasing globalization, we may be headed for a world where no one really belongs anywhere any more. The book will be of interest to anyone who has migrated or is considering leaving home to live in an unfamiliar place. It will also be of interest to psychological and cultural researchers and professionals who work with cross-cultural and international people. The book will also help people who have never left their home to understand those who did.

Dr Greg A Madison is a respected voice in the field of existential psychotherapy and psychology. He has written about humanising therapy and living within a changing world. He is originally from Canada but has lived in Norway, Ireland and the UK. His current interests include belonging, experiences of home and homelessness, and the experience of living in a foreign culture. He is also interested in how the future role of technology may change our human nature.